Whether you wear them for work or comfort, ear plugs can be useful to anyone who regularly comes in contact with irritating or dangerous noise, or needs protection against airborne debris or wind. Having a set of ear plugs can benefit almost anyone, and they are available in a variety of styles. In this brief article, we'll go over some of the ways plugs are used for comfort and in the workplace, some of the health risks associated with them, and how to avoid those risks. All in all, if you frequently deal with noise, plugs are the way to go.
One of the most common uses for ear plugs is during sleep. Disposable foam plugs will likely do the job fine, but must be inserted and taken out properly to avoid discomfort. This can occur for several reasons, be it the plug being inserted too far or due to air pressure building up when it is placed inside the ear. The easiest way to avoid this is to carefully check your plugs' instructions to see how they should be inserted, as different plugs all function in different ways. Custom ear plugs can also help you avoid this, as they tend to be more comfortable. Note that when you lie down to sleep, your ear canal changes its shape, usually reducing in diameter. This can cause overly large plugs to become uncomfortable, and so they should be inserted or molded in the position in which you will be using them.
Common health risks associated with ear plugs are ear wax buildup, air pressure, and debris, which can all cause damage to the ear drum if improperly used. Some health risks may occur from long-term use, such as ear wax blocking the outer ear and thus the flow of ear wax, resulting in tinnitus, hearing loss, pain or infection. Ear plugs may also irritate the temporomandibular joint, which is located near the ear canal. Ear plugs may cause an allergic reaction, though this is uncommon because of the hypoallergenic materials most plugs are made from.
Most of these risks are easily avoided by using custom-fitted plugs or by simply using them properly. Following instructions can prevent such problems as hearing loss or infection. Ear plugs are designed to make the wearer more comfortable, and using them properly can ensure that you stay more protected and comfortable while they are in use.
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